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In 2001 at Spectrum Illumination we identified the need for a current regulating LED Driver to run High Flux LED’s for the Machine Vision Industry. Our engineering staff started development on the first current regulating driver specifically designed to run High Flux LED’s for the Machine Vision Industry. The challenges that we faced during the design involved making the unit compact, affordable,  repeatable and reliable. Our feeling was that the unit needed to employ industry standard DIN rail mounting and because electrical panel space is a premium the unit needed to be compact. We also felt that the unit needed to be included with our lights as a package without adding significant cost to the end user. The driver also needed to be repeatable so that every time the unit was pulsed the current output did not change even on demanding high speed applications. The final and maybe most important thing was that the driver needed to be reliable so that it would outlast the LED light.


Functional Block Diagrams for All Models of Drivers
